How to Compose Mini-Essays

How to Compose Mini Essays
  • Your essay should be reasoned, well-planned, concise, and to the point. Avoid the theoretical background that we know already. Instead, devote the whole space to developing your own viewpoint, illustrating a single notion, and your observations in the text.
  • Your essay should always have a title. The ‘title’ often includes the main subject of your paper: the central argument.
  • You are required to consider a one page plan for your essay (no longer than one page), which outlines the structure of your argument and the links between your ideas.
  • Your thesis statement should clarify the issue or question that will be discussed in your essay. It should also indicate what points you will make and in what order.
  • Each paragraph of the body of your essay should support or refute your thesis statement.
  • Any statements you make must be supported with concrete, plausible examples and evidence from the text.
  • Your essay should not be less than 250 or more than 600 words in length (essays longer than 500 words will be penalized in the examination).
  • It is often preferred that you do notwrite in the first person.
  • Formatting
    • Must include proper heading in upper left-hand corner (name,  date, and title)
    • Must be typed in size-12 font [Times New Roman]
    • One-page (300 – 600 words)
    • Both hard copyand emailsubmission required
    • File name should contain [ Essay#No-YourName.Docx ]
  • Structure
    • Short introductory paragraph (usually 2-3 sentences) with a complete thesis statement
    • One long (8-15 sentences) or two shorter (5-10 sentences) body paragraphs, each with a topic sentence
    • Ample evidence from the text to support your arguments, generally in the form of direct quotes
    • Short concluding paragraph (usually 1-3 sentences)

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